$24.98 USD

Welcome to Your Quest to Clarity

An invitation to self-discovery, confidence, and direction. Come into radical self-awareness, see your points of celebration and your areas of suffering, and make aligned choices to live fully. The world needs you now, and you’ve waited long enough.

What you'll get:

  • Gain radical self-awareness.

  • Find hidden insights into your life.

  • Gain clarity of focus and direction.

  • Learn from experts and connect with the community.

For ONLY $24.98, you get ALL of this:

  1. Maurice's Life Inventory Assessment ™ - with interactive Life Map - life clarity and direction.  (sold for $97.00)

  2. Dr. Dougs NEDERA Guide to Healthy Emotional Processing - emotional mastery. (sold for $37.00)

  3. Master Dai's Life Manifesto e-book - motivational clarity (sold for $25.00).

  4. Exclusive Clarity Masterclass with Dai, Maurice & Special Guests - get unstuck and create your clarity (not sold anywhere).