Pre-Register For Your Life Inventory Assessment 

LIA is currently under its 2.0 development and is accepting pre-registrations.

  • All people on the LIA pre-registration list will receive 50% off and get instant access to a resource library with the following:
    1. The Four Foundations Of Happiness resource guide
    2. Your Ideal Life: visualization mediation by Master Hypnotherapist Maurice Thibodeau
    3. Emotional Clarity & Confidence Audio by Dr. Douglas Tataryn
    4. Release Stress Audio from Master Trainer and Master Hypnotherapist John Tozeland

You will also receive Life's Musings and Meanderings by Maurice, an e-newsletter about living a life of great experiences.

Gain Life Clarity & Perspective.

It is time for you to step into your life.


50% Complete

Two Step

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