Bright-eyed on my new island of opportunity, I set to discover what future I would create.
I tried my hand at a tech start-up. I loved the people, loved the energy, but it was too early in the process, and I wasn't willing to go all in.
I took on some life coaching clients. I loved the people, loved the process of creating impact, but it felt too slow, and there had to be a better way.
I became the co-host of speakers series where I curated evenings of connection. I loved the people, loved the challenge of taking the stage, but the worrying of people showing up every month took more from me than it gave.
I became a Certified Master Hypnotherapist. I loved the people, loved the depth of human understanding that this amazing body of knowledge brought me; I knew this would be a tool and not my career.
As the weeks turned into months since leaving my career, I realized that I had something to offer that could change the landscape in the personal development industry and serve meaningfully.
It's a product that gives people the gift of life perspective. It's a process I've been following for over 15-years, and it's given me the confidence and language to make major life decisions.
I call her LIA - the Life inventory Assessment.
LIA would never have come to life it if weren't for my painstaking pursuit to find CLARITY, for my vulnerable willingness to face my fears and find my CONFIDENCE (over and over again), for the love, support, teaching, and guidance I got from my COMMUNITY (my wife, parents, teachers, and a few close friends), and from the combination of CAPABILITIES that came from me and my teams years in technology, and wellness.
And of course, there is that firth element (that you'll also read about in the guide) - which is the COMMITMENT of time, money, sweat, and tears put out to move it forward.
This guide gives a summary of what I've been learning my whole life, and now I've recently found the words to describe.
Here's to you finding your: CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, COMMUNITY, and CAPABILITY and having the commitment to do something with it!
Maurice Thibodeau
Life Tools Creator I
Coach to Creators and Entrepreneurs