Making the right decisions can be tough.
Imagine having a life mapping tool to help you assess your priorities.
It's your time to make mindful, bold decisions,
in the areas that matter most.
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Your Life Lens
"Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human."
Dr. Vicktor Frankl, Neurogologist, Pyschiatrist, Author,
The science of the brain and the study of human behavior shows us that as humans we come to understand the world and build lives in accordance with values, priorities, and biases that are formed for us since way before adulthood.
What would it look like to take a step back and re-evaluate your truth?
This is what the work of reflection and introspection is about.
Whose path have you been living?
We are living in an environment of overloading information, competing priorities, and meticulously designed distractions.
Our brains are wired to most efficiently choose the patterns them make the most sense, and follow them to "success."
So what happens when you start to question whether the path you have been following is still right for you?
"Looking within is about transistion from the goal of achieving success, to achieving significance, and learning to understand the difference between the two."
Maurice Thibodeau - co-creator of the LIfe Inventory Assessment
Are you looking outside or inside?
The alignment of what is right for you can only be defined by you.
No matter what is happening around you, looking within, and getting clarity of who you are and what's most important will serve you to make better choices.
Finding your clarity and alignment
is what this assessment does.
What Is The Assessment?
The Life Inventory Assessment is a comprehensive online diagnostic tool that asks the right questions.
You define what's most important across each of the 12 life categories.
You measure the health of each category across five key elements.
The output is an interactive LifeMap and LifeHealth Dashboards giving insight into each category.
The 12 life categories are: Work, Health & Fitness, Leisure, Finance, Spiritual Life, Parenting, Love, Social Life, Creative & Intellectual Talent, Social Contribution, & Extended Family.
How It Works.
Step 1: Click Below To Take The Assessment
Step 2: Follow & Complete
Upon purchase, you will immediately be logged into the assessment library, with easy to follow steps to complete your assessment.
Step 3: View Your Results:
You will receive your interactive Life Map and Life Health Dashboards within minutes of completing the assessment.
Without leaving having to leave the comfort of your space,
you'll be interacting with your Life Map and Dashboards.
Shown directly below is an image of a sample Life Map and Life Health Dashboard.
Why Take This Now?
If you fit into any one of the below categories, now is a particularly good time for you.
You Are Considering A Significant Career Change?
The job or role you've been playing is no longer filling you up, you are considering what's next.
You Want More From Your Relationships
You are evaluating your most important relationships, your love life, your close friends, and even how you connect with your kids. You sense there is more.
A Major Life Change Is Ahead
The kids no longer need you, your about to step into retirement, or some other major life event has shaken the surface, asking you to look at what's next.
A Framework To Look Within
Taking a look under the surface of your life can feel daunting, especially if it's the first time or it's been a while.
The way this assessment is structured gives you everything you need from the comfort of your home. Work at your pace, and see your results within minutes of completing the assessment.
"Thank you so much for your work and for developing this assessment.
I was in tears at the end of it, this was a profound experience"
Yulia Rafaliova, Executive Function Coach
"Make sure the outside of you is a good reflection of the inside of you."
Jim Rohn
How The Assessment Came To Be
After I made the huge life decision to leave my corporate career in 2018, I knew clearly that I wanted to use my gifts to do something significant.
In following my personal growth path, I knew how much having a consistent practice of reflection had on my life and my relationships.
My wife and I wouldn't have thrived (or likely survived) our relationship without it. I know I wouldn't have had the courage to make the major decisions that I did along the way (like moving to the middle of no-where with three kids under 6 in 2009, and like leaving the career and work-family I'd build my life around, in 2018).
When it came time for me to decide, "Now what?," I ultimately decided the most important thing I could do next was make this framework to other people. This was my "next most important thing."
I dedicated my life to developing the life inventory practice in an online format, bringing the ability for people to experience it without the need for a coach's support and from the comfort of their own space.
While working in close collaboration with emotional expert and psychologist Dr. Douglas J. Tataryn and his leading work on emotional health (also the founder of the Bio-Emotive Framework), I'm proud to say it is now here!
Maurice Thibodeau
Co-creator of the Life Inventory Assessment
Picture: Maurice Thibodeau (left)
& Dr. Douglas J. Tataryn (right)
Are You Living Out The Best Version Of Your Life?
We developed this tool to help the world look within. As the author, educator, and theologian Howard Thurman said,
Your Life Inventory"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."