Choose the Program that Supports you best

Join the LIA Coaching Community and amplify the impact you have on the world.

Together we will go far.


LIA Starter



  • LIA Credits: 1 Per Month
  • Monthly LIA: To Infinity & Beyond Group Coaching Call with Maurice
  • Quarterly(ish) Expert Guest Training
  • Listed as a coach on in the certified directory
  • Personal LIA URL for client LIA submissions
Yes, This One Is For Me!

LIA Growth


Monthly Best Value

  • LIA Credits: 3 Per Month
  • Sell directly from Your Site with Embedded Code
  • Monthly LIA: To Infinity & Beyond Group Coaching Call with Maurice
  • Quarterly(ish) Expert Guest Training
  • Listed as a coach on in the certified directory
  • Personal LIA URL for client LIA submissions
Yes, This One Is For Me!

LOP Inner Circle


  • LIA Credits: Up to 120/year
  • LOP Inner Circle Facilitated Coaching Group
  • On-site Retreat
  • Sell directly from Your Site with Embedded Access
  • Monthly LIA: To Infinity & Beyond Group Coaching Call with Maurice
  • Quarterly(ish) Expert Guest Training
  • Listed as a coach on in the certified directory
  • Personal LIA URL for client LIA submissions
Yes, Let's Do This (Click Here)

1 LIA CREDIT = Each LIA Credit allows for one year of multi-use access to LIA for each Unique Client. A "Unique Client" is determined by the email address received in the LIA submission. Each Unique Client submission shall be considered a LIA Credit. 

  • The coach is responsible for managing access to their LIA submission page; if any unauthorized use is suspected, they must report it immediately to [email protected].  
  • For all monthly subscribers, your LIA credits accumulate and are valid for as long as you have an active subscription. Unused credits expire in the same month as the subscription cancellation. 
  • If you exceed your monthly LIA credits, you will receive a credit top-up invoice; we bill in five credit increments. 
  • Pricing is subject to change upon 30-day notice. 

Buy a Bundle of LIA Credits

Purchase a bundle of credits to add additional credits to your monthly tier OR as a Pay-As-You-Go client. 

LIA credits are sold in bundles of five. 

  • Coaches still receive a personal URL for Client LIA Submissions
Buy Now

Your Brand, Your Way.

Embed Code to Host & Sell LIA Directly on Your Site.

Create the experience that is consistently and awesomely YOU. Sell LIA directly on your site. Choose how you will price, position, and package LIA into your offers. 

Available for Starter, Grow, & Inner Circle. 

See a Demo

Are you ready to join the Inner Circle?

"Inner" is referring to your inner world, your connection and expression of your gifts, passion, and purpose. The full expression this, is the purpose of this container. 

"Circle" refers to the fully committed group of us working together in unison of the above purpose. 

Begins Fall 2024

Yes, I'm Ready - Click Here

The Inner-Circle  Facilitated Coaching Group with Maurice 

This is 1-1 personal coaching container to develop your ideal vision in all areas of your life, create a SMART plan to achieve it, and be help capable, strategically and emotionally, to live it every step of the way.  You create a life design to embody the life | business of your dreams. This is a high-vibration, deeply personal, no-hold back container of personal investment. Elevating you to live and serve at our best, even when it's uncomfortable. 

This is for you if:

  • You are highly committed to play full out. 
  • Fluff annoys you, you want the real stuff. 
  • You are open to try new methods.
  • You actually desire to be held capable; and you are ready to show up for the next meeting after it happens.
  • You are emotionally aware.
  • You have a deep desire to create a fulfilling life.
  • You care deeply about creating a better world. 
  • You have a purpose filled mission to serve. 
  • You are ready to fully name and claim your gifts. 
  • You have a huge value for spending your time well. Results matter most.
  • You are highly committed to play full out (intentionally written 2X).
Book A Discovery Call